This is Part 2 of a post where I announced my intent to form a large pet memorial site. In this post, I will share just what this companion animal memorial site would look like.
So what will this dream memorial site look like? Something like this:
We will build this memorial site in a beautiful setting, one that is a vacation destination. That way, visitors will be able to enjoy a fantastic, once-in-a-life experience at our memorial site but also in the area near the site. At this time, it is likely that we will build it near where I live, on southern Vancouver Island, British Columba (Canada).
The site will be large, at least 100 acres, and will include a companion animal museum with various exhibits, an art therapy building where you can create artwork to heal from grief, and a self-guided memorial walk through a beautiful forest. We will have memorial benches that will overlook the Salish sea. Here are a few photos that demonstrate how beautiful and how perfect a Vancouver Island setting will be for this:

The memorial site will also have an art shop where art, created by artisans invited to create their artwork on site, will be sold in both a gift shop and an art gallery. There will be a prayer / healing building for those wanting prayer (we will have trained Veterinary Chaplains on site), a memorial chapel, and a memorial garden with amazing floral displays, including brick walkways filled with donor bricks that honor a specific companion animal. Our self-guided memorial forest walk will be a popular location for visitors to hold ash spreading ceremonies (for both people and animal ashes. The memorial walk will include beautiful pet tag wind chimes to serenade you as you walk through the beautiful British Columbia forests. (PLEASE SAVE ALL OF YOUR DOG AND CAT ID TAGS for this cause).
There will be six different memorial buildings: (1) Dogs, (2) Cats, (3) Horses, (4) Other Species, (5) Humans, and (6) Heros & Hall of Fame. In each of these six buildings, companion animals (or people) will be honored (by a donor) with a photo of the animal (or person), and a small engraved plate. The story of each memorialized animal (or person) will be accessible via a QR code on their plaque that will lead to a webpage that tells that animal’s (or person’s) story.
And as if all of this won’t be enough to keep visitors busy all day long at the site, there will be art…lots and lots of beautiful animal art! Oh, and a 4D movie theatre that will show short, inspirational films about animal miracles—the many amazing untold God and angelic stories involving companion animals, that will resonate in the hearts of so many companion animal lovers.
What do you think? Is helping to build this companion animal memorial site a project that you would like to become involved in? Are you willing to get involved by participating in conversations, sharing your ideas, and doing volunteer work once things progress forward?
Please comment in the section below.
I think YES!!! I didn't know from the last post that you were including humans in the memorial. In addition to my dog Mojo, I would commemorate my son. He lived in Vancouver the last 5 years of his life and he LOVED BC so much. He never wanted to leave.
I feel like a trip like this would be a pilgrimage of sorts for me. 💗💗